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Q: Is a historian like a economist?
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When was Charles Berry - economist - born?

Charles Berry - economist - was born in 1930.

When was John Law - economist - born?

John Law - economist - was born in 1671.

When was William Ellis - economist - born?

William Ellis - economist - was born in 1800.

When did Charles Kennedy - economist - die?

Charles Kennedy - economist - died in 1997.

When did William Cunningham - economist - die?

William Cunningham - economist - died in 1919.

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Is Karl Marx an ecologist?

No, he was a philosopher, historian and an economist.

Where can a person go to find jobs for an economist?

A person can find jobs as an economist in a bank, brokerage office, corporation or small business. Economist jobs are strongly advertised on websites like Indeed and Monster.

Which brand has punchline Great Minds Like a Think?

The Economist

When was the Southtown Economist first published?

The Southtown Economist was first published in 1906. The Southtown Economist was originally named the Englewood Economist and in 1924 was renamed the Southtown Economist.

Which company's tag line is Great Minds Like a Think?

The Economist

How can you use the word historian in a sentence?

The historian was confused by the evidence presented to him. They were unable to get a definitive answer from the historian.

Who owns the economist?

The Publication Economist is owned by the Economist Group. Half of the Economist Group is owed by Pearson PLC via Financial Times. The rest of the Economist Group is owned by independent shareholders.

Who owns the publication Economist?

The Publication Economist is owned by the Economist Group. Half of the Economist Group is owed by Pearson PLC via Financial Times. The rest of the Economist Group is owned by independent shareholders.

What is the difference between a scientific economist and a policy advisor economist?

A scientific economist is an economist that deals with the nation in aspect of science While policy advisor is an economist that advice on political aspect or affairs of a nation

Are The Economist Intelligence Unit issues differenct than regular The Economist magazine?

What is the difference between The Economist magazine issues and The Economist Intelligence Unit issues

When was The Economist created?

The Economist was created in 1843-09.

What is the ISBN of The Armchair Economist?

The ISBN of The Armchair Economist is 0029177766.