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It is possible that you have breast cancer.

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Q: Is a lump in a woman's breast less likely or impossible to be fat necrosis if the breasts are small and don't have much fat tissue?
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Is it weird to have 32DD breast at fourteen?

Not at all. All women have different breast sizes and usually breast size is hereditary, so you are more likely to have larger breasts if someone in your family did.

I weigh 130 if i lose 15 pounds will my breasts get bigger?

It is unlikely that your breasts will get bigger if you lose 15 pounds. Your breasts are more likely to get smaller if you lose weight. That is because the breast is made of mostly fat and lactating glands. If you want your breasts to get bigger you can try gaining weight or getting a breast augmentation.

If your breasts are to big what do you do?

If your breasts are over-large, they can put an unnatural strain on your back muscles, leading to back aches. There is a surgery called, "breast-reduction" that you should talk to your doctor about. Losing fat weight from your body will also most likely decrease breast size some.

If you have small lumps all over your breasts and your breasts hurt does that mean cancer or not since im only 16?

Although it's theoretically not impossible, I would be flabbergasted if you had breast cancer. Try not to worry about it. A doctor would say the same thing. For peace of mind, just look at the stats to see how rare it is at that age group.

Does having your breasts felt up make them bigger?

Most likely no. If you really want to know some techniques, go here:

Why aren't my breasts even?

No one breast are. It is very usual and nearly everyones are uneven to some point. If yours are very uneven then you can have surgery, however if your anywhere younger then 30 your breasts are still growing and will most likely even out. Cheers (:

Are breasts supposed to grow one at a time?

No breasts do not grow at the same rate. Everybody is different and when you have your breasts some body else may not have theirs. It's all about your genes and your weight. If your mom or dads mom has small breast it's likely that you will to. And if your overweight some f your extra body fat will go to your breasts.

How do girls get breasts?

They don't just "get" them all of a sudden, they grow them. Breasts are glandular tissue and fat. Nothing will help you grow them faster.Hormones released during puberty cause growth in the breast tissues, which causes girls to get their boobs

Is breasts breasts?

Your pregnant most likely, look on for more.

How did the chests of chickens come to be known as breasts?

The term "breast" in reference to chicken chests likely originated from the anatomy of the bird, as the chest area is where the breast meat is located. Over time, this part of the chicken has commonly been referred to as the "breast" due to its shape and location on the bird's body.

At age 13 how big should your breasts be?

Every girls breast are different. The size usually runs in the family. If your family members have larger breasts then you will most likely have larger ones too. Breasts start to develop when puberty hits. Puberty can start between the ages of 11 to 16 some times earlier sometimes later. If you have small breasts now, they could grow bigger. Don't think there is something wrong with you if you have small breast at your age or any age. everyone is different.

What is the difference between coagulative and liquefactive necrosis?

Liquefactive necrosis is good for your body, especially your brain (due to the beneficial liquids produced) but coagulative necrosis is bad due to the clumping and coagulation (i.e. clotting) that occurs.Coagulation necrosis is the "acute" necrosis in which the protein fibers become denatured and everything turns into a semi-solid mess of dead tissue. Liquefactive necrosis is a more "chronic" necrosis in which the dead tissue is digested into a liquid which can then be removed by the macrophages.