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if your memory is worth talking about then yes

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Q: Is a memory remarkable
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There is no definitive evidence that Charles Dickens had a photographic memory. While he was known for his remarkable memory and attention to detail, it is likely that his ability to vividly recall people and events stemmed from his keen observation and storytelling skills rather than a photographic memory.

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Remarkable is an adjective.

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They can have remarkable memory. One Savant remembers every detail of every book he reads and was able to recall facts and trivia on a multitude of subjects.

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he was remarkable for what he did

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more remarkable

What is the prefix of remarkable?

The prefix of "remarkable" is "re-".

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What is a sentence for the word remarkable?

What a remarkable question. I hope my answer is equally, if not more, remarkable. The hero's exploits were remarkable enough to be retold for the past three centuries.

What is an example of a sentence containing remarkable in it?

This is a remarkable sentence!

Who is the director of a film called Remarkable?

Kenneth Loach is the director of the film Remarkable. This film deals with the remarkable incident happens on every human's life and really this is a remarkable film.