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Q: Is a new paragraph is needed for a change of time?
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Can you write a paragraph using different tenses?

You do not want to change verb tense in one paragraph. Each paragraph you write needs to be about one subject, and when you change tense, you have changed from one time to another. Any time you change time, place, speaker, or idea, you need to make a new paragraph.

in a story talking about different time does it need a new paragraph?

You start a new paragraph whenever the subject changes or the speaker changes in a dialogue. If you change the time, that's changing the subject enough to start a new paragraph, yes.

Should complete paragraphs start a new subject in the last sentence?

No, each paragraph should be about the same subject. If you start a new subject, you need to start a new paragraph also.

What are the four reasons to start a new paragraph?

The four specific changes in focus that indicate when a writer must begin a new paragraph are: when a new topic begins, when a new place is introduced, when there is a shift to a new time, and when a different person begins to speak.

How do you know it's time to start a new paragraph?

Start a new paragraph when you are introducing a new idea, changing the topic, or switching speakers in dialogue. It helps to keep your writing organized and makes it easier for your readers to follow along.

How do you layout a spy story?

You just have to start with an intro and then write any thing that comes to mind and every time that you change the setting or timing or even add a new character you have to start a new paragraph

If dialogue is being used for the first time do you need to start a new paragraph?

Each speaker in dialogue should begin a new paragraph on it's own line. The next speaker would be on its separate line in a paragraph.

How do you know when to write a paragraph?

The paragraph is a way or organizing your thoughts for convenience, and to make it easier for the reader to understand you. You can write a paragraph whenever you think you should.Here are some typical places where most writers make a new paragraph:whenever you change to a new topicwhenever you change from one speaker to anotherfor emphasis if you have something very important to say

How is the space before a paragraph changed?

I'm not sure what you mean by "changed" - you always indent before a new paragraph, but other than that, there's no change to the space.

Each time the ENTER key is pressed Word creates a new paragraph?


What does the outline of a paragraph do?

makes the paragraph better and means that you are starting a new paragraph

What does liberal constructionists want congress to do?

create new powers, as needed, over time