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The property you are referring to is magnetism, where there is a force of attraction or repulsion between unlike or like poles of magnets. Magnetism is caused by the alignment of the magnetic domains in the material.

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Q: Is a property of matter in which there is a force of attraction or repulsion between unlike or like poles?
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What is an electrical property of matter that creates a force between objects?

Electrical property of matter that creates a force between objects is called static electricity. Static electricity is caused by the imbalance of positive and negative charges on objects, resulting in attraction or repulsion between them due to the presence of electric fields.

What is the role of gravitational force between matter and antimatter?

Sir Issac Newton proposed theory of gravity. He formulated the relation between the force of gravity and the mass and the distance between the masses. This theory failed to explain as to why there is attraction between the masses and not repulsion. With every attraction you have to have corresponding repulsion. That problem is resolved with the discovery of antimatter. So like attracts like. So matter attracts matter and antimatter attracts antimatter. This fallows that matter repel antimatter. So force of gravity between the two masses of matter or two masses of antimatter is directly proportional to the product of masses or anti-masses (Antimatter). The force of repulsion will be directly proportional to the product of mass and anti-mass (Antimatter). It fallows that the force of repulsion is inversely proportional to square of distance between the two.

Do you have any thing like anti gravitational force in the universe?

There is a force called as gravitational force in the universe. The most beloved scientist, Newton has derived the law of gravity. But it has never been explained that as to why there is force of attraction and not the force of repulsion. When there is the force of attraction, there has to be the corresponding force of repulsion in the nature. You can not have the isolated north pole, with out the presence of south pole. So you have the force of attraction between matter to matter. You have force of attraction between anti-matter to anti-matter. So there has to be force of repulsion between matter to anti-matter. So the matter will repel the anti-matter in the space. So you have lost the universe (universes) in the space. The presence of matter is the proof that the anti-matter exists in the space in exactly equal amount. This is subjected to the inter conversion of matter into energy as per the law of Einstein, that is E = m c 2. The law of gravity is stated as F = G m 1* m 2 / r 2. If one of the mass is anti-matter, then the formula is : minus F = G (minus m 1)* m 2. Here the value of F also becomes negative. So that becomes the force anti to the force of gravity. That is force of repulsion. Hence proved.

What is the universal force of attraction between all matter in the universe?

The universal force of attraction between all matter in the universe is gravity. It is responsible for keeping planets in orbit around stars and holding galaxies together.

Is there more forces other then gravity?

Yes, there are other fundamental forces in nature such as electromagnetic force, weak nuclear force, and strong nuclear force. These forces govern interactions at the subatomic level and play important roles in the behavior of matter and energy in the universe.

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What is the role of gravitational force between matter and antimatter?

Sir Issac Newton proposed theory of gravity. He formulated the relation between the force of gravity and the mass and the distance between the masses. This theory failed to explain as to why there is attraction between the masses and not repulsion. With every attraction you have to have corresponding repulsion. That problem is resolved with the discovery of antimatter. So like attracts like. So matter attracts matter and antimatter attracts antimatter. This fallows that matter repel antimatter. So force of gravity between the two masses of matter or two masses of antimatter is directly proportional to the product of masses or anti-masses (Antimatter). The force of repulsion will be directly proportional to the product of mass and anti-mass (Antimatter). It fallows that the force of repulsion is inversely proportional to square of distance between the two.

What is the universal force of attraction between all matter in the universe?

The universal force of attraction between all matter in the universe is gravity. It is responsible for keeping planets in orbit around stars and holding galaxies together.

Do you have any thing like anti gravitational force in the universe?

There is a force called as gravitational force in the universe. The most beloved scientist, Newton has derived the law of gravity. But it has never been explained that as to why there is force of attraction and not the force of repulsion. When there is the force of attraction, there has to be the corresponding force of repulsion in the nature. You can not have the isolated north pole, with out the presence of south pole. So you have the force of attraction between matter to matter. You have force of attraction between anti-matter to anti-matter. So there has to be force of repulsion between matter to anti-matter. So the matter will repel the anti-matter in the space. So you have lost the universe (universes) in the space. The presence of matter is the proof that the anti-matter exists in the space in exactly equal amount. This is subjected to the inter conversion of matter into energy as per the law of Einstein, that is E = m c 2. The law of gravity is stated as F = G m 1* m 2 / r 2. If one of the mass is anti-matter, then the formula is : minus F = G (minus m 1)* m 2. Here the value of F also becomes negative. So that becomes the force anti to the force of gravity. That is force of repulsion. Hence proved.

What is a force of attraction between bodies of matter?


What force of attraction is between bodies of matter?


What is the force of attraction that exists between all matter in the universe?

The force of attraction that exists between all matter in the universe is called gravity. Gravity is a fundamental force that causes objects with mass to be attracted to each other. It is responsible for keeping planets in orbit around stars and for creating the structure of the universe.

Which phase of matter has the strongest attraction between the particles?

The solid phase of matter typically has the strongest attraction between particles, as they are closely packed and held together by strong intermolecular forces. This results in particles vibrating in fixed positions, which gives solids a definite shape and volume.

What is name of the force among the molecules of matter?

The name of the force present in all molecules that results from the movement of electrons is called London dispersion forces. The force of attraction between the positive end of one molecule and the negative end of another molecule is dipole .

What is mass according to physics?

In physics, mass is a fundamental property of matter that measures the amount of material in an object. It is a quantitative measure of an object's resistance to acceleration when a force is applied. The unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI) is the kilogram (kg).

What is the property of all matter and it is directly related to how much matter or mass you have?

Could be one of two things: * Inertia; * Gravitational attraction. Both apply to all matter and are directly related to the mass.

What does atomic mass have to do with the weight of an element?

Matter is bound energy displacing space, the volume and density of displacement is the mass of the matter involved. Gravity is the attraction between matter displacing space, weight is measure of the force exerted by matter due to its gravitational attraction. Therefore the atomic mass of a collection of matter defines the gravitational attraction that matter will exert which will define the measurable weight of the matter in question.

The strongest attraction between particles exists in which of these states of matter?

This is a solid.