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Q: Is a purple potato GMO food?
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Is the canola oil in Cape Cod potato chips GMO?

Since GMO ingredients are not labeled, it is difficult to know if the canola oil in Cape Cod potato chips is GMO. It is safe to assume the oil is GMO since most of the canola grown in the United States and Canada is GMO.

Do you sell purple corn?

I work for a company here in the United States that grows and sells purple corn. All of our corn is non-gmo organic or non-gmo non organic.

What is a purple potato?

A purple potato is a kind of potato that has purple skin and or flesh (sometimes called blue) with varieties being Purple Peruvian, Davis Purple, Eureka Purple, Fenton Blue, Purple Mountain, Blue Tomcat etc.They turn purple cause of the plants chemicals.A purple potato is a kind of potato that has purple skin and or flesh (sometimes called blue) with varieties being Purple Peruvian, Davis Purple, Eureka Purple, Fenton Blue, Purple Mountain, Blue Tomcat etc.

What is known about the food production capabilities of GMO's?

GMO corn and soy are no more productive than non-GMO corn and soy.

What year were GMO foods available?

GMO soy was the first commercially planted genetically modified crop. It was first planted in 1996. Before that, the Flavor Saver tomato was sold, but consumers did not accept the quality. There was also a GMO potato, but it did not pass the scientific studies. Both are not being sold any longer, and in fact, the potato was never on the market.

What country do purple potatoes come from?

potatoes are from Peru. The purple potato is simply a result of breeding and genetics.

What are the effects of GMO food?

The effects of GMO food is not yet known. Though some say there are no harmful effects, others question that and claim there is anecdotal evidence that GMO foods are harmful to health.

Why don't Asians want GMO food?

Most people who don't want GMO food are not convinced it is totally safe for human consumption.

What are GMO ingredients?

GMO ingredients are any foods or food ingredients that have been genetically modified in a lab.

What makes a purple potato purple?

They contain the same antioxidants found in blueberries- anthocyanin which gives blueberries their blue color and purple potatoes their purple color. The color that anthocyanin takes is based upon the pH. A purple potato is a kind of potato that has purple skin and or flesh (sometimes called blue) with varieties being Purple Peruvian, Davis Purple, Eureka Purple, Fenton Blue, Purple Mountain, Blue Tomcat etc.

What is the history on purple potatoes?

Like all potatoes they are native to Peru. There is know way of knowing when they were first grown since there are many purple potato varieties among the hundreds of different potato varieties that were first developed in Peru. When you buy from seed catalogs there is usually a blurb telling you about the history of the particular potato you have chosen.

What unusual color is the organically grown Hungarian potato?

The Hungarian potato is purple.