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A rabbit is a primary consumer - it eats producers. Secondary consumers eat herbivores or omnivores and consumers that eat other carnivores are tertiary consumers.

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Q: Is a rabbit a primary consumer a secondary consumer or tertiary consumer?
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What is the producer primary consumer secondary consumer tertiary consumer top predator grass eagle mouse snake kookaburra rabbit grasshopper?

producer = grass primary consumer = grasshopper, rabbit secondary consumer = mouse tertiary consumer = snake, kookaburra top predator = eagle

Is rabbit a primary consumer or secondary consumer?

a rabbit is in fact a primary consumer

Is a rabbit a a secondary consumer?

a rabbit is in fact a primary consumer

What is an example of a primary consumer and a secondary consumer?

Primary consumer would be a cow that ate grass, secondary consumer would be the lion that ate the cow that ate the grass. Primary consumer is the fish that eats algae, secondary consumer is the barracuda that eats the fish that ate the algae. It expands to tertiary consumers as well, which would be the shark that ate the barracuda that ate the fish that ate the algae.

Is a dwarf rabbit secondary or primary?

Primary Consumer

What are the two types of consumers?

The 3 types of consumers are: primary consumer, secondary consumer, and tertiary consumer. A primary consumer, like a rabbit, eats a primary producer, like grass. A secondary consumer, like a fox, eats a primary consumer, which is the rabbit. A tertiary consumer, like a great gray owl, eats the secondary consumer, which is the fox.

Is a coyote a secondary or a primary?

Coyotes are carnivores which means they're not primary consumers ex of primary consumer a rat, rabbit, squierl, mouse. Why are these primary consumers? They are the primary energy source of food for consumers because they collects all the nutrients for plants and later on get eaten to nurious a carnivora coyote is not either a primary or secondary consumer it is a tertiary consumer

Are bobcats primary consumers?

No, bobcats are generally secondary or tertiary consumers. Primary consumers eat primary producers, which are generally plants. For example, a rabbit eating grass is a primary consumer. If the bobcat eats the rabbit the bobcat will be a secondary consumer.

Which organism is the secondary consumer in this food chain Aspen Rabbit Snake Hawk?

A rabbit is a primary consumer since it is a herbivor a secondary consumer would be an animal that eats the primary consumer like a fox.

Is a rabbit a second order consumer?


What is the relationship between a primary consumer and a secondary consumer?

A primary consumer obtains its energy from producers (i.e. plants). Therefore a rabbit is a primary consumer because it eats grass and other plants. A secondary consumer eats primary consumers, therefore they do not get their energy directly from plants.The fox that eats the rabbit would be a secondary consumer.

What are primary consumers in a forest?

herbivores, they are the first to eat for the plants. The secondary consumer would be who eats them. Example a rabbit is a primary consumer for eating the grass. A coyote who eats the rabbit is a secondary consumer for eatting the rabbit