

Is a river potential or kinetic energy?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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13y ago

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Both, if you refer to a flowing stream. The topographic elevation of the streambed above the base level toward which it leads (e.g., sea level) is indicative of the potential energy of the water in the river. (Another kind of potential energy is proportional to the water depth above the streambed.) The river's kinetic energy is proportional to the square of its current velocity and to the mass of moving water. Remember KE = (m v^2)/2 from physics?

If the river ceases to flow, for example enters a lake or impoundment, its kinetic energy will decrease to zero. Yet because of potential energy, its water may still have considerable energy.

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As gravity pulls water down a slope, the water's potential energy changes to kinetic energy that can do work.

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easy when the water begins to fall it is kinetic but when its just floating by is potential

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As gravity pulls water down a slope, the water's potential energy changes to kinetic energy that can do work.

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Water in a river has kinetic energy from its movement, not potential energy. Potential energy comes from the position or configuration of an object, like water stored in a dam waiting to be released.

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The two main forms of energy are Kinetic energy and Potential Energy. Kinetic energy is motion energy. Potential energy is energy stored in matter.

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The two types of mechanical energy are kinetic energy, which is associated with the motion of an object, and potential energy, which is associated with the position or configuration of an object.

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It's either chemical energy,gravitational energy,potential energy,or kinetic energy.The correct answer is kinetic energy.

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There are two main types of energy which is kinetic and potential energy.. Kinetic energy is an energy associated with motion.. while the potential energy is an energy stored with the position of an object, or its chemical composition.

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Energy at rest is potential energy. It is stored energy that has the potential to be transformed into kinetic energy when an object is in motion.

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Potential energy. An example of potential energy is a charged mouse trap. An example of kinetic energy is the mouse trap being sprung. Potential energy can be thought of as "stored kinetic energy". And kinetic energy can be thought of as "released potential energy"

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The two main groups of energy are kinetic energy and potential energy. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion, while potential energy is stored energy that has the potential to do work.

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Mechanical Energy= Potential energy+ Kinetic energy, so for the mechanical energy to be equal to be potential energy, the kinetic energy must be 0.