

Is a rose a organism

Updated: 8/10/2023
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Skylar Hagenes

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2y ago
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15y ago

i would say yes..... because a plant like all planets work together just like all animals

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13y ago

A rose is not unicellur. All plants and animals are multicellur. no plants or animals are known to be unicellur so far

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10y ago

That would depend on the size of the rose plant.... Too many to count individually.

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Reily Murphy

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1y ago
this doesn't help me

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13y ago

No it is multicellular because it contains many cells which together form the rose. A unicellular organism only consists of one cell. E,g amoeba

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7y ago

Yes they are.

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Lvl 1
4y ago

No because if you minus the equation from where it originally was it actually equals the negative amount of it's original state.

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3y ago

is rose plant unicellular

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