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A sea bar is typically created through deposition, where sediments carried by waves and currents accumulate and form a sandy or shingle deposit that connects a headland to an offshore island or another piece of land. Erosion can also contribute to the shaping of sea bars by wearing away material from the Coastlines they connect, but the main process is deposition.

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Q: Is a sea bar created by erosion or deposition?
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A sea stack is formed by erosion. It is created when softer rock surrounding a more resistant rock is eroded away by the sea, leaving behind a standalone pillar of rock.

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Sea stacks are primarily formed by erosion. They are created when the relentless force of waves erodes the weaker parts of cliffs and headlands, leaving behind isolated rock formations. As the land erodes, the sea stack is separated from the mainland, becoming a distinctive coastal feature.

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Stacks are formed from erosion. They are created when a sea arch collapses due to the continual action of waves eroding away the rock, leaving behind a tall vertical column of rock isolated from the shore.

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Is sea arch erosion or deposition?

Sea arch formation is primarily a result of erosion. The continuous force of waves breaking against the rock over time weakens and erodes the land until an arch is formed.