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Correct - a shadows are the places where the light from a light source cannot reach because an opaque object is blocking the light's path.

Darkness is not the opposite of light, but rather an absense of it. Light is energy. For example, the Fahrenheit scale does not continue into the negative numbers forever. There is actually another scale besides the Celsius scale called the Kelvin scale. In Kelvin, there are no negative degrees. The lowest degree is 0, which means there is absolutely no energy (On a side note, 0 degrees Kelvin is impossible to reach, but scientists have come very close to it).

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Q: Is a shadow a place where there is no light?
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Is light similar to a shadow?

No, light is a form of energy and the shadow is the place where there is absence of light.

When you place something close to a light source will it make a big shadow or a small shadow?

The closer an object is to a source of light the larger the shadow it will cast.

Did light have shadow?

light did not had shadow and will not have shadow.

Why is a shadow always on the opposite side of the light source?

Your shadow will fall in the direction opposite the source of light - with you between the light source and the shadow. The direction of your shadow relative to you will depend on what direction you are facing.If you are facing toward the light source, the shadow will be behind you.If you are facing away from the light source, it will be in front of you.If you have the light source to your right, the shadow will be to your left.If you have the light source to your left, the shadow will be to your right.If the light source is directly above you, the shadow will be directly under you.If you move past a light source, your shadow will move from behind you to beside you and then to in front of you.

Where does the story of Monet Shadow and Light movie take place?

Paris 1980

How can you make a large shadow of your hand appear on a screen?

place hand close to the light

How can a shadow be reflected?

It is actually impossible to reflect a shadow, as a shadow is merely an absence of light. However, what IS reflected is the light surrounding the shadow. When this light is reflected, it forms a reflected image of the light's shape, complete with a lack of light, or shadow. In this way, it can look like a shadow is reflected.

Can a reflection be a shadow?

It is actually impossible to reflect a shadow, as a shadow is merely an absence of light. However, what IS reflected is the light surrounding the shadow. When this light is reflected, it forms a reflected image of the light's shape, complete with a lack of light, or shadow. In this way, it can look like a shadow is reflected.

What are the two most important elements that create the illusion of depth on a flat surface?

light and shadow

Does the light of the moon cause a physical shadow?

A shadow is caused when there is less light or no light in an area. An object can block the light and thereby cause a shadow. If the light reflecting off the moon is a source of light, objects blocking this light can cause a shadow.

What is a shadow and what is it formed of?

In short, nothing. A shadow is a dark area within a brighter area. It doesn´t have any substance as it is just a place where light is not falling as its being blocked by somthing. A shadow can be thought of as an opposite to a rainbow which is made by light shining on a specific place. Both have no substance but seem to be solid and can appear to move.

Why are shadows always black?

Because the shadow of an opaque object is simply a region where no light falls, so there's no light to reflect from there to your eyes. A place from which no light reaches your eyes appears black.