

Is a staircase a example of a lever?

Updated: 5/26/2024
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12y ago

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The stairs alone are not. A lever is a simple machine that is used to lift an object up easier because instead of pulling up against gravity you are pushing down with it but still lifting the same weight. A lever needs to have a pivot point which stairs don't have. This pivot point is called the fulcrum. Stairs are actually considered an incline plane, another type of simple machine.

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2w ago

No, a staircase is not an example of a lever. A lever is a simple machine with a fulcrum and a force applied at two points, while a staircase is a series of steps used for ascending or descending.

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11y ago


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Mishka Nitharwal

Lvl 2
3y ago

Mainly no

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Lvl 1
3y ago

Clas 3 lever

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