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Skylar Butler

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1mo ago

No, a theory is a well-supported explanation for a phenomenon based on evidence, testing, and observation. It is supported by empirical data and is subject to revision or rejection based on further evidence. It is not based on faith in magic or chance.

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Q: Is a theory an untested or untestable belief upheld by faith in magic or chance?
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What does the big bang theory have in common with atheism?

The Big Bang theory is a scientific explanation for the origin of the universe, while atheism is a lack of belief in a god or gods. Some atheists may find the Big Bang theory supports their worldview by providing a naturalistic explanation for the universe's existence without the need for a deity. However, belief in the Big Bang theory is not exclusive to atheists; people of various religious beliefs also accept it as a scientific explanation for the universe's origins.

What is epistology?

Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that deals with the theory of knowledge, including the nature, origins, and limits of knowledge. It examines questions about what knowledge is, how it is acquired, and how we can know what we claim to know.

Which of these theories follows the belief that incidents in a person's life are not controlled by outside causes?

The theory that follows the belief that incidents in a person's life are not controlled by outside causes is known as the doctrine of free will or libertarianism. This perspective suggests that individuals have the capacity to make choices that are not predetermined by external factors, and that they have the ability to act freely.

The belief that God gave the monarch the right to rule is the?

Divine right of kings. This concept asserts that a monarch's authority to rule comes directly from God, making their power absolute and not subject to challenge. It was a widely held belief in many European monarchies during the Middle Ages and early modern period.

Why does religion oppose Darwin's theory of evolution?

Some religious beliefs conflict with the theory of evolution because it challenges the idea of creation as described in religious texts. Evolution suggests that species have evolved over time through natural selection, which can be inconsistent with literal interpretations of religious creation stories. Some religious individuals argue that evolution undermines the belief in a divine creator and purpose for life.