

Is a trail mix a element?

Updated: 5/24/2024
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14y ago

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No, an element is a pure substance which contains only one type of atom. Trail mix is not a pure substance nor an element. In fact, it is a mixture of ingredients containing many different elements.

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1w ago

A trail mix is not an element. Elements are pure substances that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means. Trail mix is a mixture of different ingredients such as nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and sometimes chocolate or candies.

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The trail mix is a mixture. I hope it helps. ❤

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Trail mix is a heterogeneous mixture. I hope it helps ❤❤

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Trail mix is considered a mixture because it has more than one item mixed together in it. There is different types of fruits, nuts, and grain combinations used to make the mixes. It's called trail mix because it was originated by hikers as an easy to fix and easy to carry snack to eat on the trail.

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