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In active transport the ATP is used to pump molecules up the concentration gradient. Transport of molecules occurs from a low concentration of solute to high concentration of solute and requires cellular energy. While passive transport involves carriers, channels, or direct diffusion through a membrane.

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Q: Is active or passive transport involved?
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What are passive and active transport?

Passive transport and active transport are transport of materials across membranes. Passive requires no energy, while active does.

Passive and active transport?

Active Transpot. -Pumps -Endocytosis -Exocytosis Passive Transport - Diffusion -osmosis -Facilitated Diffusion active requires energy passive doesnt. active against concentration gradient, passive along concentration gradient.

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Diffusion is passive, it happens everywhere whether living things are involved or not. It results from the natural thermal motion of particles.

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The difference between active transport and passive transport is?

Active transport requires energy; passive transport does not.

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What is the dif frence between active and passive transport?

Active transport requires energy, passive transport does not.

Is testosterone a passive transport or an active transport?

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Is an active transport active or passive?

It has is in the name. Active Transport