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Advertising is a selling expense

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Q: Is advertising a selling or Administrative expense?
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What is kind of operating expense is depreciation selling expense or general administrative expense?

Examples of operating expense ==> depreciation expense of a machine, impairment of goodwill Example of selling expense ==> advertising Example of general administrative expense ==> office expense

Is commission a selling or administrative expense?

If commission is paid on selling the product then it is selling expense .

Is insurance an administrative expense or selling expense?

Insurance is an administrative expense as administration is authorized to do all these kind of expenses.

Is store supplies expense a selling or general and administrative expense?

It is a selling expense to be accounted for on the Income Statement under Selling Expenses.

Is interest expense a selling or general and administrative expense?

Interest expense is neither selling or administrative, and it's too significant to be called a general expense. Interest expense is usually called a finance expense and is usually listed separately from SG&A, on the Income Statement

Is professional fee expense an administrative expense or a selling expense?

Expenses which are incurred for the selling of product is called Selling Expenses while expenses incurred on administration of general day to day tasks are called administration expenses