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1w ago

Blending air into ice cream to give it a lighter texture is a physical property because it involves changing the physical characteristics of the ice cream without altering its chemical composition. The addition of air creates air bubbles in the ice cream, making it softer and creamier without changing the underlying chemical structure of the ingredients.

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Q: Is air bleneded into ice cream to give it a lighter texture is it physical or chemical property?
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Is the air is often blended into ice cream to give it a lighter texture a physical or chemical property?

Blending air into ice cream to give it a lighter texture is a physical property. This process does not change the chemical composition of the ice cream; it simply alters its physical characteristics by incorporating air bubbles to create a smoother and softer texture.

Is bleaching your hair physical or chemical property?

Bleaching your hair is a chemical process, not a physical property. The chemicals in hair bleach work to break down the natural pigments in your hair, resulting in a lighter color. This change is due to a chemical reaction rather than a physical characteristic of the hair itself.

Is the air is often blended into ice cream to give it a lighter texture a physical or chemical and why?

Blending air into ice cream to give it a lighter texture is a physical process. This is because air being incorporated into the ice cream does not change the chemical composition of the ingredients; it just alters the physical structure by introducing air bubbles to create a lighter texture.

Is bleaching skin a physical or chemical change?

Bleaching skin is a chemical change because it involves a reaction with the skin's melanin pigment that alters its chemical structure to appear lighter in color.

Is coffee plus cream a physical or chemical change?

Mixing coffee and cream is a physical change because it does not alter the chemical composition of either substance. The coffee and cream can be separated back into their original forms without any chemical reactions taking place.

Related questions

Is the air is often blended into ice cream to give it a lighter texture a physical or chemical property?

Blending air into ice cream to give it a lighter texture is a physical property. This process does not change the chemical composition of the ice cream; it simply alters its physical characteristics by incorporating air bubbles to create a smoother and softer texture.

Is the air is often blended into ice cream to give it a lighter texture a physical or chemical and why?

Blending air into ice cream to give it a lighter texture is a physical process. This is because air being incorporated into the ice cream does not change the chemical composition of the ingredients; it just alters the physical structure by introducing air bubbles to create a lighter texture.

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A characteristic property is a chemical or physical property that helps identify and classify substances. The characteristic properties of a substance are always the same whether the sample you are observing is large or small.

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Helium is lighter than air property?

Helium(0.1786 g/L) is lighter than air(1.2 kg/m3) due to physical property density.Density of air is more than helium due to presence of many gase like oxygen carbon dioxide etc.

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Is coffee plus cream a physical or chemical change?

Mixing coffee and cream is a physical change because it does not alter the chemical composition of either substance. The coffee and cream can be separated back into their original forms without any chemical reactions taking place.

What is a chemical to make hair lighter?

Hydrogen peroxide are mixed with dye and or lightener/bleach to make your hair lighter.

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Its chemical make up

Is lighter fluid charged positive?

No. Lighter fluid is usually butane, a flammable substance known as a hydrocarbon with chemical formula C4H10. A spark ignites the butane, allowing the lighter to function.

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The chemical make up of odorless charcoal lighter fluid includes methanol or ethanol.

What is products in chemical reaction?

what substance you get when you're done with the chemical change.ex: match+lighter=reactants. when you mix those a certain way, you get a light!