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It's not that one is better than the other; it's just that they are different. The question is, which one is better for you? In order to determine this, you have to acquire a vision; a clearly articulated picture of the future you intend to create for yourself. The vision should be based on a passion for what you want to do, and the benefit it will bring to others as well as yourself. Once you acquire that (career) vision, your path will become clear. Remember, passion will be the key to your success.

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Q: Is an AAS degree better than a certificate?
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What kind of classes are necessary for an AAS Degree?

The courses required depends on the specific program of study (major). For example, The course requirements for an AAS in computer science will be much different than the of an AAS in electronics engineering.

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Does it matter which degree you get either an AS or AAS?

yes it does

If you have a associate of applied science degree jobs I'm eligible for?

The associate of applied science degree (AAS) is a general degree type from which many specific programs of study (majors) fall. For example, an AAS in computers, physical therapy assistant, marketing, electronic engineering, etc. The jobs you would qualify for will be dependent on which AAS degree you complete.

Will the AS degree in computer science plus certificates get a better job than the AAS degree in information technology?

If you do not plan on pursuing a bachelor's degree (you should), you should concentrate on a degree that gives you the most expertise particular to a field. Typically, these are a AAS degrees. If you take an AS degree, you are most likely in a transfer program to a four year college or university, therefore it will not be a career oriented program at the associate level. You should meet with a career adviser at the school you attend for detailed information. Remember, today competition is going to be keen. Thus, the higher the degree the more marketable you will become.

What careers are available with an AAS degree?

It depends on the specific program of study. The AAS is designed particular to a specific field or occupation.

Can you get admission for a master's degree after successful completion of AAS?

No. To be eligible for a master's degree, you must first have a bachelor's degree.

Do community colleges offer Bachelor's of Art degrees?

No they do not. Community colleges offer the associates of arts (AA), associates in science (AS), associates of applied science (AAS), as well as certificate and diploma programs.No they do not. Community colleges offer the associates of arts (AA), associates in science (AS), associates of applied science (AAS), as well as certificate and diploma programs.No they do not. Community colleges offer the associates of arts (AA), associates in science (AS), associates of applied science (AAS), as well as certificate and diploma programs.No they do not. Community colleges offer the associates of arts (AA), associates in science (AS), associates of applied science (AAS), as well as certificate and diploma programs.No they do not. Community colleges offer the associates of arts (AA), associates in science (AS), associates of applied science (AAS), as well as certificate and diploma programs.No they do not. Community colleges offer the associates of arts (AA), associates in science (AS), associates of applied science (AAS), as well as certificate and diploma programs.

What is abbreviation for mortuary science degree?

Most people get a AAS degree which is an associates in applied science.

What bachelor's degree will an aas in business transfer best to?

You might want to look into some type of general studies or liberal arts type of curriculum. The AAS in business does not transfer well at all to a four year degree. The thing you will have to ask yourself is what you could do with a liberal arts major. Any degree will always open up some doors of opportunity, however, to be successful you must have a passion for what you intend to do. In a case like this, you might be better off finding your passion, and if it means sacrificing credits for it, then that is what you do. It would be better in the long run than to be in something your heart is really not into.

Should you get AS degree in computer science plus certificates better to get a job than the AAS degree in information technology?

If you do not plan on pursuing a bachelor's degree (you should), you should concentrate on a degree that gives you the most expertise particular to a field. Typically, these are a AAS degrees. If you take an AS degree, you are most likely in a transfer program to a four year college or university, therefore it will not be a career oriented program at the associate level. You should meet with a career adviser at the school you attend for detailed information. Remember, today competition is going to be keen. Thus, the higher the degree the more marketable you will become.