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Q: Is an An asteroid traveling through space at a constant speed a balanced or unbalanced force?
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Are there unbalanced or balanced forces on the moon?

There are unbalanced forces acting on the moon, such as the gravitational pull from Earth. This gravitational force causes the moon to orbit around Earth and creates tides on Earth as well.

What force pull an object away from the center of a curved path?

Inertia is the "force" that causes an object in a curved path to pull away from the center. Inertia is actually the tendency of anything with mass to resist a change in motion. In other words, an object at rest will not move because of inertia, unless it is acted on by an unbalanced force, and an object in motion will continue to travel at a constant speed in a straight line unless acted on by an unbalanced force. An object traveling in a circular path pulls away from the center because inertia tries to keep the object traveling in a straight line.

A spacecraft orbits Earth at a constant speed.The forces actinbg on it must be?

The forces acting on the spacecraft must include the gravitational force pulling it towards Earth to keep it in orbit, and the centripetal force directed towards the center of the Earth to maintain its curved path. These forces must be balanced to keep the spacecraft in a stable orbit.

What is the weight of a 53 kg astronaut in the following locations In Newtons On the Moon On Mars and in outer space traveling at a constant velocity?

On the Moon: The weight of a 53 kg astronaut on the Moon would be approximately 212 N, based on the acceleration due to gravity on the Moon (1.6 m/s^2). On Mars: The weight of a 53 kg astronaut on Mars would be approximately 199 N, based on the acceleration due to gravity on Mars (3.7 m/s^2). In outer space traveling at a constant velocity: In the absence of gravity in outer space, the astronaut would experience weightlessness and have no weight, even while traveling at a constant velocity.

How long would it take to get to the moon if traveling at a speed of 100000 kmhr?

If you could do it at a constant speed along a straight path, it would take3hours 49minutes 48seconds.

Related questions

Are the forces on a car that is traveling at a steady speed balanced or unbalanced?

The forces on a car traveling at a steady speed are balanced. The driving force from the engine is balanced by the resistive forces such as friction and air resistance. This balance allows the car to maintain a constant speed.

Do balanced or unbalanced forces cause a moving object to continue moving at a constant speed?

A balanced force will not cause a moving object to change its constant speed. It's an unbalanced force that would either speed up or slow down the moving object.

Do balanced forces cause motion?

No, balanced forces do not cause motion. Balanced forces result in an object remaining at rest or moving at a constant velocity. Motion only occurs when unbalanced forces act on an object.

What happens when forces are balanced and unbalanced?

When forces are balanced, the object remains at rest or continues to move at a constant velocity. When forces are unbalanced, there is a net force acting on the object, causing it to accelerate in the direction of the greater force.

What are the between balanced force and unbalanced force?

An object with balanced forces acting on it is still. An object with unbalanced forces acting on them moves at an non constant velocity. It is possible for an object to have balanced forces acting on it and yet move in a vacuum.

What are the similarities between balanced and unbalanced forces?

An object with balanced forces acting on it is still. An object with unbalanced forces acting on them moves at an non constant velocity. It is possible for an object to have balanced forces acting on it and yet move in a vacuum.

What does a unbalanced force cause that a balanced force doesnt?

There is no such thing as "a balanced force" or "a unbalanced force". Only a group of two or more forces can be balanced or unbalanced. An unbalanced group of forces acting on an object causes accelerated motion of the object. A balanced group of forces doesn't.

How do balanced forces and unbalanced forces differ?

* Balanced: The vector sum of all forces on an object is zero. The object does not accelerate.* Unbalanced: The vector sum of all forces on an object is NOT zero, the object DOES accelerate.

What are the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces on 4 objects?

Balanced forces on an object result in no change in its motion, as the forces cancel each other out. Unbalanced forces cause an object to accelerate in the direction of the net force applied. For a stationary object, balanced forces maintain its position, while unbalanced forces cause it to start moving. An object moving at a constant velocity experiences balanced forces, while unbalanced forces can change its speed or direction.

When the Lorry is traveling at a constant speed what forces are balanced?

When a lorry is traveling at a constant speed, the driving force from the engine is balanced by the resisting forces such as air resistance, friction between the tires and the road, and other resistance forces. This balance of forces allows the lorry to maintain its constant speed.

Why are balanced and unbalanced forces used?

Balanced forces are used to keep an object at rest or moving at a constant velocity, while unbalanced forces are used to accelerate or decelerate an object. Both types of forces are necessary to understand the motion of objects and how they interact with their environment.

What is a situation in which balanced forces are acting on a bike?

When a bike is traveling at a constant speed along a flat road, the forces acting on it are balanced. The force exerted by the rider pedaling forward is balanced by the resistive forces such as air resistance and friction. This balance of forces allows the bike to maintain a constant velocity.