

Is an adverb describing something

Updated: 9/22/2023
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9y ago

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Yes, an adverb is a modifier describing a verb, adjective, or another adverb. If a modifier describes a noun, pronoun, or an equivalent phrase, the modifier is an adjective.

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No, it's an adverb. It is describing how you are doing something, not what you are doing. You don't generously; you generously do it.

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Ancient is a adjective because it is describing something old.

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No. An adverb is a verb that gains the legal (in grammar) ly at the end. The ly allows it to start describing other verbs or a noun or something.

What are some adverbs that are describing something huge?

an adverb is a word that describes either a verb or an adjective. there are no adverbs in the phrase "something huge" since something is a noun and huge is an adjective. if the phrase was "something extremely huge" then extremely would be the adverb.

Is the word quickly a noun verb adjective or adverb?

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Is shockingly an adverb or an adjective?

it would be an adverb because it would not be describing a noun as what an adjective would do but insted it is describing a verb so i think it would be an adverb

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Yes. Polite is an adjective, and politely as the adverb describing something that is done in a polite manner.