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yes the did

by john j. perry

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Q: Is any of Leonardo da Vinci's self-portraits in color?
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Does Leonardo da vincis have any famous relatives?

No. He was the only famous person in his family.

What was Leonardo di vincis style of art?

Leonardo painted in the realist style (he painted what he saw, he did not change it or distort his paintings inn any way) and was part of the Renaissance art movement.

Who is Leonardo da Vinci's son?

Leonardo da Vinci did not have any children.

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No, Leonardo Da Vinci did not have any brothers or sisters.

Did Leonardo Di Vinci have any brothers?

no, Leonardo da Vinci had no brothers

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Leonardo da vinci did not have any adopted children.

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I can find no trace of Leonardo finding any constellation.

What was the name of Leonardo da vinci's adopted son?

Leonardo da Vinci did not have any adopted children.

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No. Leonardo WAS an illegitimate child but he never had any children himself.

Did Leonardo di vinci have any siblings?

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Are there any Videos of Leonardo da Vinci?

I assume you mean "Leonardo"? He died before video taping was invented.....

Did Leonardo da Vinci have any interests other than math?

The amazing thing about Leonardo was that he was interested in everything.