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IA seeks to ensure availability. The three broad areas that IA seeks to ensure and protect are Confidentiality, Integrity (of the information - protecting it from unauthorized changes or corruption), and Availability.

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Q: Is availability ensured by IA
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All what are ensured by IA except a. Availability b. Authentication c. Integrity d. Authorization?


What is an IA?

An objective IA condition of integrity, availability, or confidentiality achieved through the application of specific safeguards.

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An objective IA condition of integrity, availability, or confidentiality achieved through the application of specific safeguards.

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What is availability for IA security?

One of the basic themes of IA is that it is composed of three principles - which have the memorable acronym CIA. C = confidentiality: only those who should be able to see the data can see it. I = integrity: the data is only changed by those authorized to change it and is not being corrupted accidentally or intentionally. A = availability: users can access the data when they want to or need to. Attacks against availability include denial of service (DoS) attacks which tie up resources and bog down networks to the point that legitimate users are not able to access them. Availability is also attacked by anything that causes the computer or the networks that provide access to it to crash. Availability is protected in IA through various methods including (but not limited to) redundancy, rerouting, disaster recovery plans, and contingency planning.

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Homogeneity is ensured by vigurous mixing.

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Define the CIA Triad?

CIA is Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability. The whole infrastructure of IT stands on it. From creation of data to its usage and to its retirement and disposal, the CIA triad is ensured so that information remains secure and safe and meets its end of life after its required usage.

What is the standard abbreviation for Iowa?

The standard two letter abbreviation for the state of Iowa is IA.