

Is b minus a bad grade?

Updated: 10/10/2023
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9y ago

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I Believe It Really Is In 1 Class It Is low It`s Bad So I'm Gonna Have to Go With An a

better than b really i got it this year and it`s messed up I'm Not Happy So I wish to

change that grade on monday if you can change it then do what`s best.

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9y ago

A b minus is not a bad grade. It is above average on the grading scales. It is a passing grade and means one has done some studying.

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For colleges and universities that grade on a plus system it would be a C+. For colleges and universities that grade on a minus system it would be a B-.

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As a grade? Yes, but not by very much. By average of 5%

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For institutions that grade on a plus system, it would be a C+. For institutions that grade on a minus system it would be a B-.

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For institutions that grade on a plus system, it would be a C+. For institutions that grade on a minus system it would be a B-.

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For institutions that grade on a plus system it would be a C+. For institutions that grade on a minus system, it would be a B-.

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It depends on the institutions grading system. It could be either a C+ or B- letter grade.

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For schools that grade on a plus system, it would be equivalent to a B+. For a school that grades on a minus system, it would be equivalent to an A-.For schools that grade on a plus system, it would be equivalent to a B+. For a school that grades on a minus system, it would be equivalent to an A-.For schools that grade on a plus system, it would be equivalent to a B+. For a school that grades on a minus system, it would be equivalent to an A-.For schools that grade on a plus system, it would be equivalent to a B+. For a school that grades on a minus system, it would be equivalent to an A-.For schools that grade on a plus system, it would be equivalent to a B+. For a school that grades on a minus system, it would be equivalent to an A-.For schools that grade on a plus system, it would be equivalent to a B+. For a school that grades on a minus system, it would be equivalent to an A-.

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It is a C+. For colleges and universities that work on a minus system it would b a B-it actually depends on the grading system at your school A+ =4.3, A =4, A- =3.7, B+ =3.3, B = 3.0, B- =2.7

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15/18 is 83%, which is typically a B-minus on a letter-grade scale.

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A 2.8 GPA gives you a B- /B average give or take.