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bioluminescence is earths most important source of light tru or false

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Q: Is bioluminescence is earth most important source of light?
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What is the source of light in firefly?

Firefly gets it's light by what is called as bioluminescence. In this phenomena, you get the light generated by animal, plant or some types of microorganisms. Here you get the light generated without production of the heat. In case of firefly you get the light intermittently. So that the the partner should be spotted, when light is on and the risk of being caught by the predator is reduced, when the light is off.

Can light or uv spectrophotometer used in bioluminescence measurements?

Fluorometry can be used over three to six decades of concentration without sample dilution Solarization caused by prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light. Light From Chemical or Biochemical Reactions, in Bioluminescence.

Why was thomas edisons discovery so important?

because if he didn't make the light bulb we would be living in the dark and the only source of light would be daylight

Is a torchlight a natural source of light?

Torch light is NOT a natural source of light. It is an Artificial Source of light generated by the electrical energy. In this the electrical energy is being transformed into Light energy.

Energy source of most life on earth?

Most life on earth, gets there energy source from the sun, that is assuming that the majority of life on earth are autotrophs (plants). They get this energy by photosynthesising and getting a energy source called glucose, which is used in nearly all organisms on earth... they can then use glucose as a respiratory substrate, for respiration... Hope this helps :)

Related questions

What is important of each source of light to life on earth?

Each source of light is important. UV is important as it creates ozone.

What is the source of light in firefly?

Firefly gets it's light by what is called as bioluminescence. In this phenomena, you get the light generated by animal, plant or some types of microorganisms. Here you get the light generated without production of the heat. In case of firefly you get the light intermittently. So that the the partner should be spotted, when light is on and the risk of being caught by the predator is reduced, when the light is off.

What is the production of light by living animals?


What source of light keeps earth alive?

The Source of light is the sun

The light produced by bioluminescence uses the energy from?

The light produced by bioluminescence uses the energy from a chemical reaction within the organism, typically involving a light-emitting molecule called luciferin and an enzyme called luciferase. This reaction results in the release of energy in the form of light.

How do you use bioluminescence in a sentence?

"Bioluminescence is the biochemical emission of light by living organisms such as glow-worms and deep-sea fish..."

Is earth a source of light?


What does bioluminescence?

From my understanding, bioluminescence is an adaptation where living organisms emit a light for survival. B.MaddoxThe biochemical emission of light by living organisms such as fireflies and deep-sea fishes.

Why is led most important source of light?

LED is not the most important source of light, the Sun is.

How do light bug light up?

By the mixing of two chemicals called 'bioluminescence'.

Is the sun a light source?

Yes, the sun is a light source because it shines light on earth.

Is sun a light source?

Yes, the sun is a light source because it shines light on earth.