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It is Opaque letting no light through.

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Q: Is black chalkboard translucent transparent or opague?
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Is opaque black?

No, any color may be opaque, even white. Opaque is simply the quality of not being transparent or translucent.

What is a transparent material that refracts light rays?

A transparent material one that allows light to pass through with little absorption or distortion. If there is distortion, one might use the term translucent instead of transparent. More technically, one refers to a materials as being able to transmit light for a particular range of color as being transparent in that color range. Water is transparent for light in the range that the human eye can detect, but just outside that range, it becomes highly absorptive and would, if we could see, appear black. This is generally true for glass, air, salt and other materials which we would nominally characterize as transparent. Objects that absorb in a portion of the visible spectrum will transmit light that is a color formed from the portion of the spectrum that is not absorbed (portion that is transarent).

Is the color of transparent objects depends on the color they absorb?

transparent objects are transparent because your eyes tells you so. In reality, every body sees every colour differently as our eye cells are not the same. So, in answer to the question, yes, but you cannot see it.

What is the color of an opaque object determined by?

the wave length of light that is absorbed by the object determines color--White refects all eye perceptible colors where as black absorbes The colour of an opaque object is determined by the wavelength of the visible spectrum that it reflects. Light is made up of 7 colours, each having a specific wavelength range. Consider an object which appears green to the eye. Actually the object is not green in colour, it only reflects the waves pertaining to green wavelength range. All other wavelength are either transmitted or absorbed. The reflected wave reaches our retina and is perceived as that colour.

Why white board invented?

The white board is more convenient than black boards / chalk boards in several ways. Black board or chalk board will not return to its original state without extensive cleaning of the chalk residue. White board when used with the correct pens will clean to a pure white with the appropriate chemicals. Chalk boards generate dust when using and cleaning. Cleaning the chalkboard erasers causes an inhalant irritant. It is messy. White boards do not generate dust and therefore are healthier and less messy. A white board can be edited with a paper towel, rag, dry eraser or even a finger. A white board is light weight, transportable and long lasting. It is economical and convenient.

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Are black diamonds transparent?

One would describe a high-quality black diamond as translucent, not as transparent.

Is Roller blinds transparent translucent or opaque?

Depending on the particular material and thickness, roller blinds are either translucent (can see shapes through them) or opaque (black-out blinds).

Is opaque black?

No, any color may be opaque, even white. Opaque is simply the quality of not being transparent or translucent.

What is diamond physical appearance?

Diamonds are typically clear or colorless with a brilliant shine. They are known for their hardness and durability, making them highly desirable for use in jewelry. Diamonds can also come in various colors such as yellow, blue, pink, and black, depending on the presence of trace elements during their formation.

Is negative film a translucent object?

Negative film is not inherently translucent, as it is typically made of an opaque material coated with light-sensitive emulsion. When exposed to light and developed, the emulsion forms a negative image that can be viewed when backlit. While light can still pass through the film to some extent, its opacity prevents direct visibility without the aid of a light source.

What is the colour of water in the Black-sea. Transparent or Black?

it is transparent

What is clean when black and dirty when white?


What is black when it's dirty and white when it's clean?

A chalkboard ~_~

When it's black it's clean when it is white it's dirty.?

A chalkboard ~_~

Is tracing paper translucent?

black man

Is car oil transparent?

Nope, it's a deep,solid black -------------ooooooooooo--------------- When car oil is new it is translucent and can be green, yellow or pale brown, depending on type and additives. The older and more used it is, the darker it is. An engine that has black oil that smells burnt should be avoided

How do you make a chalkboard black again?

I think you can just wipe it with a baby wipe