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Q: Is blah is a happy word?
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i think becaue blah blah blah and blah>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. HAPPY

Is the word blah in the dictinary?

Yes, the word blah is in the dictionary. Blah: nonsense; rubbish

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blah blah blah

Is there a posh word for rough?

dirty. mean. blah blah blah.

Is blah really a word?

It is , substitute for actual words. Example: blah blah blah, that is so boring!

How many syllables in the word blah?

one... but blah isn't a word xD

What is the role of the word heritage committee?

blah blah, i have no idea

What is a sentence for the word pageant?

blah, blah blha, pageant

Do you ever use a comma with the word because?

because, as i just said, blah blah blah...

What is the meaning of blah blah?

Blah Blah Blah is when somebody is saying something you don't like, so you can just plug your ears and say "blah blah blah blah blah!" to drown it out. You can also just be talking and them you like say 'And she did this blah blah blah.' to describe nonsense you felt the person was speaking. And No "blah blah blah" isn't a word, it is just an expression.

Should blah blah become a word?

It is a word meaning worthless or silly talk, an Americanism since 1929

What is a sentence using the word anguished?

i am so anguished because.... blah blah