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The char may help absorb toxins in the stomach

Some scientists are proving a link to a chemical in burnt toast, and even the smoke from burnt toast, with cancer though, so be very wary.

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No it is not good for stomach.

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Q: Is butter good for an upset stomach?
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Does peanut butter really make you feel better when your stomach is upset?

Peanut butter is not recommended for upset stomachs.

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What is causing the upset stomach. If you are nauseas, cola or coke is good. So is ginger tea. Ginger ale is good for soothing an upset stomach

Is sprite good for an upset stomach?

gingerale is better. so yeah its good.

What happens when your dog eats a stick of butter?

It may upset it's stomach, causing vomiting, or diarhea on the other end.

What is a good dog food brand that won't upset your dogs stomach?

If your dog has a sensitive stomach, a good dog food brand that probably won't upset it's stomach is Iams. It's a dry food brand and has it for small, medium, and large dogs.

What does the treatment of rhubarb and soda do?

good for digestion. settle upset stomach aches.

How do you make a sentence with upset?

I had an upset stomach. He upset me greatly.

Is it good to eat peanut butter late at night?

no its is not good to eat peanut butter late at night its because it is late at night and you have to go to sleep.if you eat peanut butter it will take a very long time to digest in your stomach as you are sleeping. you can eat peanut butter late at night unless your stomach can take it.some people can eat peanut butter at night it is because their stomach can take it but if your stomach cannot take is always best not to eat peanut butter late at night.

What are some good tips for an upset stomach?

Peppermint, licorice, horehound are natural remedies.

Does Sprite calm your stomach?

Any drink with 'bubbles' will make you burp. Carbonation helps sometimes, by causing you to burp, which can relieve pressure but really doesn't have a ton to do with an upset stomach. And Sprite, 7 up and ginger ale are good for upset stomach.

Does splenda make you break out?

Some people i have talked to said that it gave them an upset stomach or headache,Plus anything that has aspertame in it gives you a headache and upset stomach. i hope this helps with your question!good luck,person of the world

What makes you have upset stomach when you eat to much?

some time there are bad things in the food that make you stomach upset