

Is carbon a small or big molecule?

Updated: 6/3/2024
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9y ago

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Carbon is a small molecule, consisting of only one element with a relatively low atomic number.

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Q: Is carbon a small or big molecule?
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The empirically measured covalent radius of carbon is 7o picometers; it is a small atom.

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The molecule of carbon monoxide is slightly polarized; oxygen has a small positive charge and carbon has a small negative charge.

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An organic molecule, such as a hydrocarbon, is a type of molecule that contains mostly carbon and hydrogen with a small amount of oxygen. These molecules are essential building blocks in biological systems and can be found in a wide variety of compounds, including fats, oils, and sugars.

Is diamond a atom or a molecule?

Diamond is made up of pure carbon. Here one carbon atom is attached to other four carbon atoms. So diamond should be called as molecule. Should be! If it is called as molecule, then it will be too large a molecule. It will be interesting to count the number of atoms in a big diamond. It will not be possible for the human brain to understand such a very high number.

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How does molecule of carbon monoxide differ from a molecule of carbon dioxide?

Carbon monoxide is CO and carbon dioxide is CO2.

Is carbon a water molecule?

No, water molecules are made of Hydrogen and Oxygen, there is no Carbon.

How many atoms of carbon react with a molecule of oxygen to form a molecule of carbon monoxide?

One atom of carbon reacts with one molecule of oxygen to form one molecule of carbon monoxide.