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Not at all. Carbon dioxide is a gas that plants use to sustain life. The ozone layer thins each winter over the poles due to a lack of sunlight reaching that area during the long winter nights. Once the sun returns, the thinning area quickly disappears.

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11y ago
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9y ago

Yes it does. It causes global warming which then causes ozone depletion.

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9y ago

They cause holes in ozone layer. It is due to their reactive nature.

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9y ago

Carbon's do not directly cause a hole. They form greenhouse gases as carbon dioxide. This then causes ozone depletion.

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9y ago

Carbon emissions release greenhouse gases. These gases cause ozone depletion.

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9y ago

Carbon dioxide leads to greenhouse effect. This could lead to ozone depletion and ozone hole.

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10y ago

It doesn't. CFCs in spray cans do.

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Q: Why do chlorofluorocarbons cause holes in the ozone layer?
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Why does chlorofluorocarbons causes holes in the ozone layer?

See "What is causing the depletion of the Ozone Layer?" in the"Related questions" section below.

Do chlorofluorocarbons have a negative effect on the ozone layer?

Yes, chlorofluorocarbons have an adverse effect on the ozone layer. These react with ozone and decompose it to deplete the ozone layer.

Which chemical damages the protective ozone layer?

Chlorofluorocarbons damage the protective ozone layer.

What impact does holes in the ozone layer have on biotic?

Holes in ozone layer are the thinning of ozone layer. They cause loss of life of flora and fauna.

Which material categories is thought to be the primary cause for the depletion of the ozone layer?


What production is linked to an increase in the occurrence of skin cancers caused by holes in the ozone layer?

(CFC) Chlorofluorocarbons

Is the main cause of thinning of the ozone layer global warming?

The main cause of thinning of ozone layer is the wreckless use of CFC's that is chlorofluorocarbons. These are complex compounds which react with ozone to deplete it.

What are 3 chemicals that can cause ozone molecules to break down in the ozone layer?

Water vapor, chlorofluorocarbons, and bromofluorocarbons.

What are chlorofluorocarbons doing ti the ozone layer and how?

They are depleting the ozone layer. they react with ozone and deplete it.

What can destroy the ozone?

CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) destroy ozone in the ozone layer.

How is the ozone destroyed by the chlorofluorocarbons?

Ozone depletion is the process where ozone holes are created in the ozone layer. It is caused due to the action of chloro-floro-carbons on the ozone molecule to break it down to oxygen.

Which chemical is mainly responsible for depletion of ozone layer in the atmosphere?

Manmade chemicals like chlorofluorocarbons and bromofluorocarbons are the major depleters of the ozone layer. The chlorine and bromine separate from the CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) and destroy the ozone molecules.