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Carbon is more reactive than boron. Carbon readily forms compounds with other elements due to its ability to form multiple bonds, such as in organic molecules. Boron, on the other hand, is less reactive and tends to form more covalent compounds with a limited number of elements.

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Q: Is carbon more reactive than boron?
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Carbon has two more protons than boron. Boron has 5 protons while carbon has 6 protons.

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Yes, carbon is more reactive than chromium. Carbon is a non-metal and easily forms compounds with other elements, while chromium is a transition metal that is more stable and less reactive.

Why does carbon C have a larger atomic mass than boron?

Carbon has a larger atomic mass than boron because it has more protons, neutrons, and electrons. The atomic mass of an element is the sum of the protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom, and carbon has more of these subatomic particles compared to boron.

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Carbon-14 is not more reactive than carbon-12. Both isotopes of carbon have the same chemical properties and reactivity. The difference between carbon-14 and carbon-12 lies in their atomic structure and their radioactive decay rates, not in their reactivity.

What is more reactive CO2 or CO?

CO is more reactive than CO2. This is because CO has a single bond between the carbon and oxygen atoms, which makes the oxygen more readily available for reactions. CO2, on the other hand, has double bonds between the carbon and oxygen atoms, making it less reactive.

Is carbon 12 more reactive than carbon 14?

No, carbon-12 and carbon-14 are both forms of carbon with the same chemical properties. Carbon-12 has 6 neutrons, while carbon-14 has 8 neutrons, which makes it radioactive but doesn't affect its reactivity.