

Is carbon an organic compound

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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Carbon is not a compound, it is an element and so is inorganic.

However, all organic compounds contain carbon and hydrogen.

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because neither it is a hydro carbon nor derivative of hydrocarbon

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Q: Is carbon an organic compound
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How is an organic compound different from an organic compound?

An organic compound is any compound containing carbon atoms, while an inorganic compound is any compound that does not contain carbon atoms. Organic compounds are typically associated with living organisms and are more complex, while inorganic compounds are simpler and have a wider range of elements other than carbon.

What organic compound is carbon found in?

Carbon is found in a wide variety of organic compounds, including carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. It is the fundamental building block of organic molecules due to its ability to form strong covalent bonds with other elements.

Is CH4 organic?

Yes, CH4 (methane) is considered organic because it contains carbon-hydrogen bonds, which are characteristic of organic compounds.

What compound is carbon found in?

By DEFINITION, a compound is an "Organic Compound" if it contains Carbon. Therefore ALL Organic Compounds contain Carbon.

Is carbon an inorganic compound?

Yes, carbon is considered an inorganic compound. Inorganic compounds are generally those that do not contain carbon-hydrogen bonds.

Is CH4 considered an inorganic compound?

it has carbon in it, and any compound with carbon is organic therefore, it is an organic molecule

Is HONH2 an organic compound?

No, HONH2 is not considered an organic compound because it does not contain carbon in its molecular structure. Organic compounds are defined as compounds containing carbon in their chemical makeup. HONH2 is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula NH2OH, known as hydroxylamine.

Why isn't carbon dioxide considere an organic compound?

It isn't an organic compound as to be considered organic a compound must have carbon bonded to hydrogen. Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide only have carbon bonded to oxygen.

What do you call the organic compound that does not contain carbon?

There is no such thing - by definition an organic compound conatins carbon.

The compound no carbon but still organic give name?

Silicon compounds can be considered organic, despite not containing carbon. They are known as organosilicon compounds and are commonly used in silicone polymers, which have a wide range of industrial applications.

Which of the organic compound does not contain carbon at all?

None. By definition an organic compound must contain carbon.

What all does organic compound contain?

The element 'C' (Carbon) is present in every organic compound.