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Physical. The molecules of wood are not being changed, only the shape of the physical material.

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1w ago

Caving wood is a physical change because the wood's chemical composition remains the same during the process. The shape and size of the wood may change, but the chemical structure of the wood molecules remains constant.

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Q: Is caving wood an physical change or chemical change?
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Yes,Decaying Of Wood Is Chemical Change. Answered By Warfa

Is the carving of wood a physical or chemical change?

The carving of wood is a physical change because the composition of the wood is not altered during the process. The wood is simply being reshaped into a different form without any chemical reactions taking place.

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Is wood a physical property or a chemical property?

Physical. If you were to cut that piece of wood in half what would it be? Still wood. There would be no chemical change. Just a physical change.

Is painting wood a phyical or chemical change?

I guess it could be chemical, but really- it's a physical change