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Yes. Clay soil is much less porous than sandy soil. Water can stand for days in a hole dug in clay soil, but in sandy soil the water would drain quickly.

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1mo ago

Clay soil is generally more porous than sandy soil because clay particles are smaller and have more surface area for water retention. However, clay soil can become waterlogged more easily due to its fine particle size, which can restrict water drainage compared to sandy soil.

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Q: Is clay less porous than sandy soil?
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What type of soil contain so much small particles that make less porous?

Clay soil contains many small particles that are tightly packed together, making it less porous than other soil types like sandy or loamy soil. This can lead to issues with water drainage and air circulation in clay soils.

Why is a lake with a clay bottom able to hold more water than a lake with a sandy bottom?

Clay is the least porous of all soil types. It is the opposite of porous in comparison to sand.

What is similarities between sand and clay soil?

Sandy soils have large grains, and are porous. Clay soils have very fine grains, so are non-porous. The only similarity is that sand and clay soils are formed by the weathering of rocks.

How are different soil types affected by water running over it?

More porous soil (sandy soil) facilitate better movement of water under the ground where as clay obstruct it.

What erodes faster clay soil or sandy soil?

Sandy soil typically erodes faster than clay soil due to its loose and porous structure, which allows water to move more freely through it. Clay soil has smaller particles that compact tightly together, providing more resistance to erosion.

What is the definition of clay soil and sandy soil?

Clay soil is characterized by small, fine particles that hold water and nutrients well but can be prone to compaction. Sandy soil has larger, gritty particles that drain quickly and don't hold nutrients as effectively, making it less fertile.

What gets more eroded clay soil or sandy soil?

Sandy soil typically erodes more easily than clay soil because sandy soil particles are larger and less cohesive, making them more susceptible to being carried away by wind or water. Clay soil has smaller particles that are more tightly packed, which helps to hold it together better and reduce erosion.

What are the 15 types of soil?

The 15 types of soil are clay soil, sandy soil, silt soil, peat soil, loam soil, chalky soil, saline soil, acidic soil, alkaline soil, silty soil, black soil, red soil, laterite soil, desert soil, and loess soil.

Why are sandy soils generally less fertile than clayey soil?

Sandy soils are generally less fertile than clay soils because they do not hold water as well as clay soils. Clay soils are usually fertile and hold more nutrients than sandy soils.

Sandy soil is dry in comparison to clay due to what?

Sandy soil is dry in comparison to clay primarily due to its larger particle size. The larger particles in sandy soil create bigger pore spaces, which allow water to drain through quickly, resulting in less water retention in the soil. Clay, on the other hand, has smaller particles and more surface area, which helps it retain water more effectively.

What are the types of soil?

Clay soil, Sandy soil, Loam soil.

What type of soil is most porous?

Sandy soil is the most porous type of soil, as it has larger particle sizes and therefore more space between the particles for water to flow through. This allows water to drain quickly through sandy soil, making it well-draining but also less able to retain water and nutrients.