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Yes. The colour of an object is determined by what frequenc(y/ies) of electromagnetic wave it emits in the visible spectrum. The colour of an object is a physical property of that object.

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Q: Is color a property of an object?
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Is color an object or a property of light?

The property of light

What is a property that can be observed without changing the object?

Color is a property that can be observed without changing the object.

What color is hollow?

Colour is not a property of an object being hollow.

Is color a chemical or a physical properties?

Color is a physical property, not a chemical property. It is determined by how an object interacts with and reflects light, rather than its chemical composition.

The volume of an object is a what property?

The volume of an object has a few properties. The properties of the volume of an object is shape, color and mass.

Which property of an object will never affect whether the object sinks or floats?

The color or surface texture of an object will never affect whether it sinks or floats. The buoyancy of an object is dependent on its density compared to the density of the fluid it is placed in.

Is color an extensive property?

Generally no. There are some cases where color is due to the structure of the object and not a pigment, and in those it would properly be considered an extensive property. (An example of color as an extensive property would be the shifting colors seen on a thin film of oil: the color depends on the thickness of the film, not on any intrinsic property of the oil itself.)

What determines if a property is size-dependent?

So a size dependent property is going to be a property that duh.. depends on the size. Like mass, volume etc. A size independent property is going to be a property that is intrinsic to the object, regardless of size. For example: the color of something. if you have a purple flower, the color of the flower does not change if you have two or three or four of them. density of an object is also another one.

What determines if a property is size- dependent?

So a size dependent property is going to be a property that duh.. depends on the size. Like mass, volume etc. A size independent property is going to be a property that is intrinsic to the object, regardless of size. For example: the color of something. if you have a purple flower, the color of the flower does not change if you have two or three or four of them. density of an object is also another one.

Which is a chemical property?

A chemical property is a characteristic about an object involving the atomic structure, makeup of the object, or pretty much anything that does not involve the physical features like hardness, color, shape, etc.

Is purple color a physical and chemical change?

No, the color purple is a physical property of an object that results from the absorption and reflection of certain wavelengths of light. It is not the result of a physical or chemical change, but rather the interaction of light with the object's molecules.

What property of matter does color belong to?

Color belongs to the property of matter known as its appearance or visual characteristic. It is the result of how light interacts with an object's surface and the wavelengths that are reflected back to our eyes.