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No, it is not. The largest comet would be one of the long-terms, such as Comet McNaught

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11y ago

Ceres, it has a diameter of 950 km, while Halley's longest length 15 km.

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Q: What one is bigger Halley's comet or Ceres?
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Is ceres a comet?

Ceres is a dwarf planet, the only one located in the asteroid belt.

Did halleys comet have a tsunami?

Halley's Comet is an astronomical body not a terrestrial one. It is made of mainly frozen ices. A tsunami is not possible there.

Is Halley's comet the largest asteroid?

No. For one thing, Halley's comet is a comet, not an asteroid. The largest asteroid is Ceres, which is far larger than Halley's comet.

Which one is bigger Eris or Ceres?

Eris is several times larger than Ceres.

Is halleys comet is a periodic comet?

Halley's Comet is a Short Period Comet. It is actually the brightest known short period comet, one of the main reasons for it's popularity. It is visible from Earth once every 75–76 years. The last being in 1986 and the next being in 2061.

Halleys comet tapestry?

The Bayeux Tapestry is one of the most famous in the word! it is a wonder that u all dont know it because i did, off the top of my head HAHAHAHAH

Comet which seen in every 73 years?

That is Halley's comet, named after English astronomer Edmond Halley,

What is a well known name for a meteoroid?

There is Halley's comet, and a meteorite crater called Hoba Iron Meteorite. Does that help?

Who are 2 famous comets named after?

Halley's comet - which returns to our solar system approximately every 75 years - is one example, named after it's discoverer Edmund Halley. Another notable example is Shoemaker-Levy 9. It was observed orbiting the planet Jupiter, but the orbit was decaying - leading to the prediction that it was to crash into Jupiter's surface.

Is it humanly possible to see a comet twice?

yes because halleys comet comes every 72 years- 12+ 72= 84, you never know you could live that long.

Is a comet bigger than an asteroid?

Depends on the asteroid and the comet. The core of a comet is typically anywhere from one mile to up to rarely 50 miles in diameter. As a comets come into the inner solar system they warm, being closer to the sun, and being mostly ice they trail a cloud of gas. On a large comet this gas tail can be vast, millions of miles long. Asteroids come in a huge range of sizes. The largest known in the solar system is Ceres, large enough to be classified as a Dwarf Planet, and has a diameter of about 590 miles. Most are much smaller, all the way down to the size of pebbles or dust.

What is the temperature on Ceres day and night?

Ceres' rotation has no effect on the earths rotation. Ceres rotational period is equal to one day on Ceres.