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No, a conjunction is a part of speech, such as and, but, or, and because.

The dictionary meaning of a word is its definition.

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Q: Is conjunction the dictionary meaning of a word?
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The dictionary meaning of a word. The literal meaning of a word.

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The dictionary meaning is the same as the denotative meaning.

Is entirely a conjunction?

No, it is not a conjunction. The word entirely is an adverb, meaning totally or completely.

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The word unless is a subordinating conjunction meaning "except if."

How do you find a meaning of a word?

You would look the word up in a dictionary. The dictionary will give you the meaning, as well as other information about a word.

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That word is not in my dictionary

What is the term for the secondary meaning of words?

The first meaning of a word is referred to as "denotative meaning". This is the dictionary definition. The second meaning of a word is referred to as "connotative meaning". This is not in the dictionary.

What is the meaning of weil?

From its definition in the online dictionary, ". . . In formal [German] writing, weil is always a subordinating conjunction. . . "

Is obvious a conjunction?

No, it is not a conjunction. The word obvious is an adjective meaning clearly apparent or true.

What meaning is usually the dictionary meaning for a word?

The dictionary meaning would be the denotation, or denotive meaning of a word, as opposed to the subjective meaning or connotation, which includes cultural implications, slang, or idiomatic meanings of a word.

Where is the meaning of a word to be found?

In a dictionary.

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that word is not in the dictionary.