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yes, a chemical change is anything that cannot be reversed, you cannot uncook an egg!

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Q: Is cooking egg whites a chemical change?
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When you whisk egg whites is it a chemical change?

Whisking egg whites is a physical change, not a chemical change. Whisking simply incorporates air into the egg whites, changing their texture and volume without altering their chemical composition.

Is boiling an egg a physical change?

Cooking is a chemical process.

Is a boiling egg a physical change?

No, hard-boiling an egg is a chemical change. By cooking the egg you change its chemical composition.

Why cooking an egg is called chemical change?

During cooking the chemical composition of eggs is changed.

Is whipping egg whites chemical or physical?

Whipping egg whites is a physical change.

When an egg is cooked is this a physical change?

Cooking an egg is a chemical change because it cannot be reversed.

Is a egg cooking a chemical change?

I would say yes

Is beating egg whites a physical or nonphysical change?

Beating egg whites is a physical change because it does not alter the chemical composition of the egg whites. It only changes their physical appearance and texture.

Give examples of chemical change?

explosion of fireworks,cooking an egg

Is scrambling an egg a physical or chemical change?

Scrambling an egg is considered a physical change because the eggs are still the same substance with the same chemical composition before and after cooking. The proteins in the egg are simply denatured and rearranged through the application of heat, without creating a new substance.

Is cooking egg a physical change?

Cooking an egg is a chemical change because the proteins in the egg become denatured through exposure to heat. There is also a physical change because the denaturing of the proteins causes them to become solid at room temperature.

When you boil an egg does the water the egg or the pan undergo a chemical change?

Egg goes from liquid to solid. Water becomes steam, pan becomes hot. Cooking = chemical change.