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Q: Is creatinine in blood 1.4 normal or abnormal?
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If you will be 14 in a couple of days and your penis is 4 and a half inches inches Is that normal?

Four and a half feet would be grossly abnormal. Four and a half inches however, is well within the normal range for a boy 14 years old.

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Is 125 69 a normal blood pressure for a 14 years old girl?

Yes it is.

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deficiency of iron

Is it normal to have really big minor labia at 14?

Yes it is normal! Everyone is different and all females have differences in size colour and shape of the Labia Minora or vaginal lips.At 14 you are developing and so is your body. Don't worry about this, it is all part of you and unique to who you are.

What does having an advanced bone age mean at age 14?

Usually it means early exposure to sex hormones. Depending on the details it could be normal early puberty or it could be the result of abnormal hormone production.

For a 14 year old girl is 6.8 a normal blood glucose reading?

In the USA, an A1C (A one C) blood test measures glucose of the past 3 months. A 6.0 is normal. A 7.0 or above is abnormal. Anything above 8.0 is dangerously high. It's likely a physician would call a 6.8 A1C a "borderline" case, meaning the girl is heading toward Diabetes. With choosing better foods and beverages and increasing physical exercise, it is possible to drop the A1C back into the normal range. At age 14, foods and exercise will be much better than relying on medication to lower the A1C reading (unless the reading goes higher, then meds will be necessary, not optional).

I'm irregular and is it normal to pass a blood clot for only one day?

if you had a miscarriage your HPT will be positive for 14 days, good luck joymaker rn

Is it normal to pass small brownish clots with no blood during pregnancy?

if it bleeds in 12-14 week of a pregnant woman what is danger for herself n her baby

What is the Haemoglobin content in men?

haemoglobin is a protein present in the blood of organisms & it transport oxygen.

What is the normal blood sugar level for a 14 year old girl?

its hard to say, if your are active it can affect it, the average is about 75 for the low, and can get up to 130, but your best bet is to go to your doctor and talk to them about it to find out just were exactly your blood levels should be

Creatinine - urine?

DefinitionCreatinine is a breakdown product of creatine, which is an important part of muscle. Creatinine is removed from the body entirely by the kidneys. This article discusses the test done to measure the amount of creatinine in your urine.A blood test can also be used to determine your creatinine level. See: Serum creatinineAlternative NamesUrine creatinine testHow the test is performedA random urine sample or a 24-hour collection may used. For information on how to collect a 24-hour urine sample, see: 24-hour urine collection.How to prepare for the testYour health care provider may tell you to temporarily stop taking certain medicines that may interfere with test results. Such medicines include:Cephalosporins (cefoxitin)CimetidineCisplatinGentamicinTrimethoprimHow the test will feelThe test involves only normal urination, and there is no discomfort.Why the test is performedThis test can be used as a screening test to evaluate kidney function. It may also be used as part of the creatinine clearance test. It is often used to provide information on other chemicals in the urine such as albumin or protein.Normal ValuesUrine creatine (24-hour sample) values can range from 500 to 2000 mg/day. Results are highly dependent on your age and amount of lean body mass.Note: Normal value ranges may vary slightly among different laboratories. Talk to your doctor about the meaning of your specific test results.What abnormal results meanAbnormal results of urine creatinine are nonspecific, but may be due to any of the following conditions:GlomerulonephritisHigh meat dietKidney failureMuscular dystrophy (late stage)Myasthenia gravisPrerenal azotemiaPyelonephritisReduced kidney blood flow (as in shock or congestive heart failure)RhabdomyolysisUrinary tract obstructionReferencesBazari H. Approach to the patient with renal disease. In: Goldman L, Ausiello D, eds. Cecil Medicine. 23rd ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2007:chap 115.