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Grinding something is an example of a physical change, because you are not chemically changing what the substance is, you are only changing the form of it. Another example of a physical change is boiling water, because the water is still water, it's just in a gas form instead of liquid.
When something is grinded it is a physical change not a chemical change.

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Crushing a rock is a physical change because the chemical composition of the rock remains the same even though its physical appearance changes.

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Crushing a rock does not change the chemical identify of it's constituent compounds. Therefore, crushing a rock is a physical change.

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Q: Is crushing a rock chemical or physical change?
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What is crushing a rock a chemical or a physical change?

Crushing a rock is a physical change. It is still rock, just in smaller bits.

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1. Crushing is a physical process.2. Burning is a chemical process.

Is crushing rocks a physical change?

Yes, crushing rocks is considered a physical change because the rocks are broken down into smaller pieces without changing their chemical composition. This process can be reversed by reassembling the pieces back together.

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No actually it isn't. Breaking a bone is a physical change. Think about it. Are you changing it into a different substance. No you're not, so it's a physical change.

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Physical. It is still dirt/rock, no change to it's nature- just its position.