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The color of your urine does indicate a pregnancy, whether there are or ar not other symptoms present, it just doesnt.

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16y ago

no but dark urine is a sign of dehydration. the signs of pregnancy are missed periods, Morning sickness,bloating,tiredness,and diarrhea

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Q: Is dark yellow urine a symptom of pregnancy?
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What does cirrhosis do with urine?

It may make urine dark yellow or brown

Is oily urine a sign of pregnancy?

yes. the oily and dark urine is sign of pregency.

Why your unine is dark yellow?

Urine is yellow because of the waste matter it contains. However, your urine should certainly not be dark yellow. If it is not clear, then you are dehydrated, and need to drink much more water.

Why is urine yellow Why is urine clear Which is better?

Urine is yellow due to the presence of a pigment called urobilin. When urine is dilute,its colour becomes light due to the abundance of water. Dark yellow urine shows that the urine is concentrated which is because of dehydration.

Is dark urine color during pregnancy ok?

yes its your hormones

What makes a persons urine smell funny?

When there is no water in there body their urine turns dark yellow and starts to smell funny.

What color is your pee when you are pregnant?

Human pee is mostly yellow and it tastes salty if you drink pee.

Is a burning while urination along with spotting a symptom of pregnancy?

Burning with urination is a sure sign of urinary tract infection. Your urine might look dark and have an odor to it. You should call your doctor, it's treated with antibiotics for about a week, and as for the spotting... could be a million things... Call your doctor, all they need is a urine sample.

Can drinking a lot of tea cause your pee being dark yellow in color?

Urine may be the color of tea due to medications like nitrofurantoin; due to metabolic disorders or kidney problems; or due to excessive dehydration. Talk to your health care provider to determine if you need an exam for this symptom.

What colour is black peoples pee?

The color of urine depends on type of diet alone and not skin color or race. Normal urine color ranges from light yellow to dark yellow.

What do you do if your sperm is dark yellow?

It might not be sperm, it could be urine.

Why is pee dark?

Dark urine can be caused by dehydration, which concentrates the levels of waste products in your urine, or by the presence of certain substances like blood or bilirubin. It can also be a sign of certain medical conditions such as liver or kidney problems. If your urine is consistently dark in color, it's best to consult with a healthcare provider for further evaluation.