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Q: Is decay rate a chemical or physical property?
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Liquid nitrogen boils at -196C is a chemical or physical change?

The boiling rate of a substance is a physical property.

Does the rate of radioactive decay slow by extreme cooling?

No, radioactive decay isn't affected by anything - temperature or pressure because it isn't a chemical or physical reaction.

Radioactive decay can be affected by?

The rate of decay of a radioactive element cannot be influenced by any physical or chemical change. It is a rather constant phenomenon that appears to be independent of all others. The rate of decay is given by an element's half life, which is the amount of time for approximately half of the atoms to decay.

How does temperature affect physical and chemical chemical change?

A change in temperature can change the rate of physical or chemical change.

No two radioisotopes will decay at the same rate?

This statement is correct. All radioisotopes decay at separate rates. They are unique and are not altered by chemical compounds.

The rate of radioactive decay does not depend on temperature pressure or chemical reactions?

According to earlier theory: The rate of radioactive decay can never be changed.But conflicting claims have recently appeared. Claims about how temperature appears to have an effect on the decay rate of some elements. The distance from the sun appears to have an effect as well.

Is reactivity with acid extensive or intensive property?

Reactivity is intensive property, reaction rate is extensive.

What is the property that describes how readily a substance combines chemically with other substance?

Reactivity is the property that describes how readily a substance combines chemically with other substances. Reactivity is also referred to as the rate at which a chemical substance tends to undergo a chemical reaction.

What physical factors control the rate of chemical reactions?

Surface area of the reactant.

Why do you think chemistry will not change the decay rate of an isotope?

It depends what is meant by 'decay'. It will not alter the atomic decay rate but elements can be chemically affected by the environment which can chemically decay them.

What is the decay rate of heart cells?

the decay rate of carbon is 14 in heart muscle cells,

What makes radioisotopes useful for dating objects?

They decay at a predictable rate.