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Half life is a tax concept only. It has nothing to do with GAAP.

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Q: Is depreciation half year convention GAAP?
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Related questions

What is the difference between depreciation and accumulated depreciation?

Depreciation is for a particular year (say for Year 3). Accumulated depreciation is the aggregate of depreciation from the beginning (say from Year 1 to Year 3)

Why accumulated depreciation exceed depreciation expense?

Depreciation expenses is for one specific fiscal year while accumulated depreciation is the sum of all depreciation expenses that’s why accumulated depreciation exceeds the depreciation if there is depreciation expense in prior year as well.

Is it customary for the depreciation expense account and the accumulated depreciation account to be equal?

No. Accumulated depreciation is depreciation accumulated every year and it will only increase and won't decrease. Depreciation expenses is incurred every year.

Why depreciation is not same amount each year?

why depreciation is not same amount each year?

What is the amount of depreciation using the double declinging method for the second year of use for equipment costing 9000 with an estimated residual value of 600 and as estimated life of three year?

Depreciation for 1st year = 6000 Depreciation for 2nd year = 2000 Depreciation for 3rd year = 400

Is accumulated depreciation a permanent or temporary account?

A/D is not temporary. Depreciation expense is the YTD depreciation booked. A/D retains its balance year over year.

Is Accumulated depreciation account a permanent account?

A/D is not temporary. Depreciation expense is the YTD depreciation booked. A/D retains its balance year over year.

Sum of the year depreciation?

In sum of year digit depreciation method depreciation is charged based on total number of years fixed assets is usable in business instead of using any percentage or fixed amount of depreciation.

Why depreciation is not the same amount each year?

the original value of the fixed assets decrease year on year ,hence the depreciation is calculated accordingly.

How is the straight line depreciation method different from declining balance method?

Under straight line depreciation, fixed amount of depreciation is charged to every year while in declining balance method depreciation percentage remains same but depreciation is charged on remaining balance of asset due to which the amount of depreciation is different in every year.

Sinking fund method for depreciation?

Sinking fund method for depreciation The straight line method has equal annual depreciation for every year. There are other methods which has more depreciation allocated to the earlier years like Written-Down Value (WDV) method in which depreciation is charged at fixed rate (%) on the reducing balance (i.e. cost less depreciation) every year. The sinking fund method allocates more depreciation to the later years. The depreciation for the first year equals the annual deposit needed for a sinking fund to accumulate at the given rate to an amount that equals the depreciation base. For each consecutive year, the annual depreciation equals the annual sinking fund deposit plus the interest earned on the fund up to that year.

What is provision for depreciation?

Provision of depreciation account is the account of provision of depreciation.First of all we should understand provision of depreciation .Provision of depreciation is the collected value of all depreciation. With making of this account we are not credited depreciation in asset account. But transfer every year depreciation to provision of depreciation account. Every year we adopt this procedure and when assets are sold we will transfer sold assets 'total depreciation to credit side of asset account. For calculating correct profit or loss on fixed asset. This provision uses with any method of calculating depreciation.