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It's Both.

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Q: Is diabase a instrusive or extrusive type of igneous rock?
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instrusive Rock

What is the difference between an extrusive rock igneous rock and intrusive rock?

instrusive is inside the valcano and exstrusive comes onto earth's crust

What is the difference between an intrusive igneous rock and an extrusive rock?

instrusive is inside the valcano and exstrusive comes onto earth's crust

What type of rocks form from lava after a volcanic eruption?

Igneous rocks are formed from the cooling and solidifying of magma. The resulting rock can be instrusive (magma cooling within the crust) and extrusive (lava cooling on the surface). The most common kind of rocks are Granite (intrusive) and Basalt (extrusive).

What type of rock is diabase?


A lava flow is an example of an igneous rock one of the two main igneous rock groups?

It is an example of extrusive igneous rock.

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What is the most extrusive igneous rock?

Basalt is the most common extrusive igneous rock.

What kind of rock is formed after a volcano erupts?

Extrusive igneous rock such as basalt, rhyolite, pumice, and obsidian.

Dome-like mass of instrusive igneous rock?


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