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Earthworms cannot really be classed as such; they eat any biological matter they can find. It's most often rotting matter (and thus they can be classed as primarily 'detritovores') but occasionally they do eat live matter. (But don't worry, only small things.) But they have digestive systems that can cope with plant and animal matter.

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12y ago

Yes!It is a HERBIVORE!

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Q: Is earthworm a herbivore
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Is an earthworm a herbivore a carnivore or omnivore?

An earthworm is an omnivore (but more specifically a detritivore as they mainly eat decaying plant matter). It eats whatever material (plant or animal) that it ingests from the soil.

Are earthworms herbivores?

Pretty much. They eat soil so you can say they're herbivores.

Is an earthworm a herbivore or carnivore or omnivore?

An earthworm is an omnivore (but more specifically a detritivore as they mainly eat decaying plant matter). It eats whatever material (plant or animal) that it ingests from the soil.

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Earthworm does not have the back bone. Earthworm is invertebrate animal.

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Earthworm does not have the back bone. Earthworm is invertebrate animal.

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Does a earthworm have a backbone?

no the earthworm is an invertebrate and therefore has no backbone.