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First of all, there is no such thing as 'electrical power', although the term is used in everyday speech. Power is simply a rate, the rate at which one form of energy is converted into another, or the rate of heat transfer. As energy is measured in joules, power is measured in joules per second which, in SI, is given a special name, the watt.

Energy, on the other hand, occurs in many forms, including electrical. All forms of energy, including electrical, is measured in joules.

It is energy, not power. that you pay for, when your electricity utility charges you for 'using electricity'. As the joule is a very small unit, utilities traditionally use a special unit called a kilowatt hour (kW.h) to measure that energy although there is no reason why they shouldn't use a kilojoule or megajoule instead.

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Q: Is electric power the same as electrical energy?
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In most forms of generation of electrical energy in power plants the last two steps are the same. What are they?


How can electric potential be high when electrical potential energy is realitively low?

Electric potential can be high when electrical potential energy is relatively low if the charge is low as well. ... It is correct to say that an object with twice the electric potential of another has twice the electrical potential energy only if the charges are the same.

Electric current from a generating plant is?

Electric current from a generating plant is a alternating current transmitted at high voltages, but usually used at low voltages.

What are the conversions of electrical energy give 5 examples?

-- An LED converts electrical energy to light energy. -- A coffee percolator converts electrical energy to heat energy. -- An old-fashioned light bulb converts electrical energy to light energy and heat energy, both at the same time. -- A loudspeaker or ear-bud converts electrical energy to sound energy. -- An electric motor converts electrical energy to kinetic energy. -- A radio transmitter converts electrical energy to low-frequency electromagnetic energy. -- A battery sitting in its charger converts electrical energy to chemical energy.

What is a device that transforms one form of energy to another?

Water heater converts electrical energy into heat energy Fan converts the same into mechanical Speaker converts electrical energy into sound using a magnetic field. A charger changes electrical energy into chemical energy A bulb filament changes electrical energy into light energy

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What is electrical power and what is electrical energy how are they related?

Compare electrical "current" to a river of water-and any size from the smallest trickel to the largest river.Now comparitivly speaking static would be as a collected pool of water(electricity) that is doing nothing-being "static".Now if equating getting wet with getting "a shock" either way ,finger in the river-or finger in the pool you will get wet both ways-as long as your body is toching ground at the same time.

What is the definition of unit in electric energy?

The unit of electrical energy is the same as the unit for any other type of energy. The international unit for energy is the joule.

An electric motor converts electrical energy to potential energy?

They don't. An electric motor is designed to convert electrical energy to kinetic energy, not the other way round. A device that converts kinetic energy to electrical energy is called a generator or a dynamo. Sometimes the same device can do both things (convert in both directions), but since the device is especially optimized for one function, it may not be very good at the other one.

In most forms of generation of electrical energy in power plants the last two steps are the same . What are they?


In most forms of generation of electrical energy in power plants the last two steps are the same. What are they?


How can electric potential be high when electrical potential energy is realitively low?

Electric potential can be high when electrical potential energy is relatively low if the charge is low as well. ... It is correct to say that an object with twice the electric potential of another has twice the electrical potential energy only if the charges are the same.

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Electric current from a generating plant is?

Electric current from a generating plant is a alternating current transmitted at high voltages, but usually used at low voltages.

What is the difference between electric and electrical?

Pronunciation. An electrical circuit is the exact same as the electric system.

What are the conversions of electrical energy give 5 examples?

-- An LED converts electrical energy to light energy. -- A coffee percolator converts electrical energy to heat energy. -- An old-fashioned light bulb converts electrical energy to light energy and heat energy, both at the same time. -- A loudspeaker or ear-bud converts electrical energy to sound energy. -- An electric motor converts electrical energy to kinetic energy. -- A radio transmitter converts electrical energy to low-frequency electromagnetic energy. -- A battery sitting in its charger converts electrical energy to chemical energy.

How do you get energy for strret lights?

Electric wiring runs from the nearest electric utility distribution substation to each street light ... either overhead or underground ... exactly the same way you get electrical energy to your home.