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To certain extend fertile soil can be considered as a renewable source.

However if limited piece of fertile land is over used then it might no longer be considered as renewable source.

Overpopulation is a main factor that affects any fertile land.

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Q: Is fertile soil a renewable resource or an inexhaustible?
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Is soil a renewable or nonrenewable resource or inexhaustible?


Is soil a inexhaustible resource?

yes in deed it is

Is fertile soil renewable or non renewable?

Renewable. Non-fertile soil simply means that the top soil needs to be refertilized for products to be developed.

Is soil inexhaustible or renewable?

Well if you shove ur dick inside it it should be renewable

What resource is soil?

its exactly a inexhaustible resource

Is soil non-renewable or renewable?

soil is a non renewable resource

Is non fertile soil renewable or nonrenewable?

Renewable. Non-fertile soil simply means that the top soil needs to be refertilized for products to be developed.

Are soils renewable?

no soil is non renewable natural resource.

Is fertile soil a natural resource?

Fertile soil is a natural resource. If nobody had ant fertile soil... where would we be? We wouldn't be able to grow annything or be able to feed our live stock.

Why is soil an inexhaustible resource?

It depends on what you mean by "soil". If you just mean soil in the sense of "plain old dirt", then it's inexhaustible for all practical purposes because the actions that produce it (erosion, decomposition, weathering, etc) are constantly occurring. If by "soil", though, you mean "fertile soil that is usable for agricultural purposes", then that is a very finite, exhaustible resource. Ask anyone who lived through the Dust Bowl of the 1930s how "inexhaustible" their farm's soil was. Fertile soil has a finite amount of the minerals and chemicals (nitrogen, phosphorous, vitamins, etc) that plants needs to grow, and if you grow plants in an area for a long time without replacing the nutrients that are used up, you'll eventually have a patch of dead dirt.

Is the soil non renewable?

Soil can be made naturally, but it is a very slow process. So soil is a renewable resource.

An example of a readily renewable resource is?
