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Yes. But don't poke the tip of the sprayed tip into the ear canal. Very far and definitely do not make it or anything else to 'seal'. Instead prime the spray then turn upside downand spray down into the ear andlet soak in.

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Is the ear only function for hearing?

The Eustachian Tube, part of the ear, provides a connection between the middle ear and the mouth. This permits equalization of the air pressure in the middle ear with the pressure in the surrounding environment and prevents the problems and pain associated with excess pressure on the ear drum.Yes. Your ear has got the balancing apparatus located in the inner ear.

In which part of the ear does pressure need to be equalized when changing altitude or scuba diving?

The part of the ear that needs to be equalized during diving is called the Middle ear. The pressure in the outer ear will change with the pressure in the water you are diving through. Between the outer ear and the middle ear is the Tympanic Membrane, or "Eardrum", which will bend, when pressure in the outer ear and the middle ear isn't equal, causing umpleasantness or pain. This is countered by blowing air into the middle ear by what's called the Eustachian Tubes. By blowing extra air into the middle ear, the pressure inside the middle ear will increase, and since the Eardrum is the only flexible part of the middle ear, the increased pressure inside the middle ear, will cause the Eardrum to bend back to its original position. Hence, equalization...

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The normal ear pressure should be between plus 50 and negative 150 decapascals. These results mean that there is no fluid present in the ear.

The ear is what kind of receptor?

The ear is a biomechanical transducer which converts air pressure in to an electrical signal which the brain interprets as sound.

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how is the pressure varition in a sound wave amplified in human ear

Why is there no relationship between ear size and hearing ability?

The size of one's ear is merely the size of the part of the ear that is used to gather sound and point it toward the rest of the ear. One's hearing ability resides more in the middle ear, which converts variations in air pressure into variations in liquid pressure, and in the inner ear, which converts liquid pressure variations into nerve impulses, than it does in the outer ear that collects sound.

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Pressure in the middle ear is equalized through a part of the body called the

What is the medical term meaning pressure-related ear discomfort?

The medical term for pressure-related ear discomfort is called "barotrauma." This condition can occur when there is a difference in pressure between the inside and outside of the ear, often experienced during activities like flying, scuba diving, or driving in mountainous areas.

Which structures are important in maintaining equal atmospheric pressure within the middle ear?

The eustacean tubes are what allow your middle ear to equalize to atmospheric pressure. They connect your ear to your throat.

What does popping in your ear when you swallow or yawn mean?

It means air pressure is getting out of the ear

What happens if the air pressure in the throat and outside is less than the air pressure in your middle ear when you swallow?

if the aie pressure in the throat and outside the body is less than the air pressure in your middle ear when you swallow the air pressure in your middle ear reaches the same pressure as the air in your throat and outside , and the eardrum moves quickly back-or'pops' into place