

Is fog like a cloud

Updated: 9/19/2023
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13y ago

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Yes. Fog is like a cloud in the sky

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Q: Is fog like a cloud
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Is fog a cloud high in the sky?

Just the opposite. Fog nearly touches the Earth; it is low in the sky.

What does fog looks like?

Fog looks like cloud but only on the ground not the sky.Like clouds ! Clouds and fog are both made up of tiny water-droplets, fog is just cloud that's close to the ground.

What are fog like clouds called?

A fog is basically a cloud hovering at ground level.

What is the difference between a fog and a cloud?

fog -> at land level cloud -> in sky

How fog was created?

Fog was created by cold cloud floating up to the sun. The sun doesn't like it so the cloud get spits out and sinks down to the bottom and becomes fog.

What type of cloud has fog?

Fog is just a cloud that is low enough to touch the earth's surface. Yea fog is a cloud.

What is the process that changes cloud into fog?

Fog is a cloud on the ground.

What might a cloud feel like?

It would feel like a heavy fog.

Fog is actually a cloud that is low enough to touch the ground what kind of cloud is fog?

A stratus cloud

Is fog a ground level cloud?

Yes, fog is a ground level cloud.

How do you feel the cloud?

You can feel a cloud when you are in fog

What is the difference between cloud and sky?

cloud is like a fog , and a sky is space full of air and the ozone layer