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Well, seeing as Francium is in the alkali metals group, one would be inclined to assert that it is just about as metallic as you can get. Therefore, yes. It's most definitely a metal.

Francium is a metal.
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14y ago
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1w ago

Francium is a metal. It belongs to the alkali metal group on the Periodic Table and shares characteristics with other metals such as being shiny, malleable, and good conductors of electricity.

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15y ago

It's a metal. In fact, it's an Alkali Metal, and it's at the bottom of those Group 1 elements. A link can be found below.

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14y ago

Francium is a chemical element, alkali metals group, atomic number 87, radioactive.

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14y ago

Francium is the heaviest alkali metal.

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13y ago

Francium is a metal.

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