

Is gasoline a renewable resource

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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It is a big thing to know is about the non and renewable source u stupid people

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12y ago
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Q: Is gasoline a renewable resource
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Is gasoline a non renewable resource?

No its a Renewable resource but it takes forever to come back.

Is gasoline a nonrenewable renewable or reusable resource?


Is gasoline reusable?

It's actually not. Gasoline is a non-renewable resource. It's actually not even a resource, it's just a product.

What are Non Remewble resource in detail answer?

gasoline and oil is a non renewable resource. solar energy from the sun, wind power is renewable. catch my drift?

How do you put non-renewable in a sentence?

Car use gasoline, which comes from a nonrenewable resource

Is gasoline a renewable or nonrenewable resource?

It is an nonrenewable source. People burn fuel for car efficiency.

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Wind is a renewable resource. Oil is not a renewable resource.

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Is paint a renewable resource?

no it is not a renewable resource as it is not a resource!

Why is gasoline a non renewable?

Cause if you use it for fuel it will turn to gas. So u can't turn gas into gasoline agian. A renewable resource is like glass because it can be used over and over agian. Why, because it can be recycled.

Why is gasoline non renewable?

Cause if you use it for fuel it will turn to gas. So u can't turn gas into gasoline agian. A renewable resource is like glass because it can be used over and over agian. Why, because it can be recycled.

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